Useful properties and composition of garlic juice
As we know, all the beneficial substances act especially strongly and quickly if vegetables or fruits are used in the form of juices . This also applies to garlic. Garlic juice is rich in mustard oil, flavonoids, and also minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. It also contains iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and copper. It contains nicotinic acid and vitamins C and B. The strong smell of garlic is due to the essential oil , which is rich in sulfur.As you can see, garlic is a remedy for many ailments and an aid in many problems of our body. What diseases can garlic juice be used for ?
The spectrum of these ailments includes problems with the cardiovascular system. For example, flavonoids help to remove cholesterol from the body, thereby curing the walls of blood vessels. As a result, a decrease in pressure, a decrease in vascular spasm and relief of the heart’s work.
For colds, garlic juice is used in combination with honey or vodka, taking internally. Outwardly, the same composition will help with purulent wounds and ulcers.
When insect bites, you can simply wipe the bite with garlic juice - itching will pass. And even with snake bites, it is recommended to make a compress from garlic juice to the bite site.
Garlic juice is very good at quick cleansing of the body from slags and mucus. By enhancing intestinal peristalsis, it contributes to a more rapid removal of waste from the body. At the same time, garlic juice is able to stimulate the appetite and the secretion of gastric juice. When cleansing the intestines from rotting waste and toxins, intestinal parasites lose their habitat, causing considerable damage to the human body. To get rid of pinworms, you can make a garlic enema.
Garlic juice for skin and hair
To clean the skin well , you need to make a mask with garlic juice , adding 5g of honey , 2g of borax, 5g of glycerin and 60g of water to 20g of garlic juice . Apply this mask before going to bed on clean skin for a few minutes.Another prescription for the treatment of acne is to mix one and a half parts of a gruel of garlic and 8 parts of vodka. Apply to face, cover with gauze or cloth napkin, hold until you feel warm (about 10 minutes, no longer recommended). The prepared mixture can be kept in the cold for three days, before use, it is necessary to warm it at room temperature.
Also for the treatment of rosacea, you can use a compress of garlic juice , soaking them with gauze, or a compress of garlic pulp. It is necessary for a few minutes to apply gruel on the skin of the face, covering it with a cloth. Then make sure that there is no strong burning sensation, otherwise there may be a burn.