Potato juice: benefits, treatment, how to cook, use in medicines

Why do you need potato juice?

  • Is potato juice harmful?

  • The benefits of potato juice

  • Cooking Potato Juice

  • Potato Juice Treatment

  • Potato juice in cosmetology

So,Why do you need potato juice?

Potato juice itself is not very palatable, but given its usefulness, this fact can either be reconciled or you can add carrot juice to it. In this case, the healing properties will only increase, but the taste will be noticeably better. A glass filled with the resulting product is a real storehouse of vitamins. A few centuries ago, doctors evaluated the effectiveness of this juice for problems with digestion, for various lesions of the skin, as well as for high cholesterol and many other diseases.

Few people know that the freshly prepared juice from the vegetable we all used to contain an incredible amount of vitamin C. That is why in the distant 16th century sailors who ate raw potatoes suffered from scurvy much less often. In addition, the content of such elements as niacin, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin B1 in the product makes potato juice a truly magical anti-aging agent.

Some doctors, knowing about the specific taste of this product, recommend adding carrot juice, honey or herbal teas (nettle, sage, chamomile) to it. It is difficult to remember another product that contains such a wide variety of useful ingredients that are so necessary for man! This drink is a great opportunity to lower cholesterol and ensure a stable cardiovascular system. And alkaline salts contained in it, have a great anti-inflammatory effect.

Potatoes are not only tasty, but also a useful product that can give beauty and youth. In this article you will learn how to cook and use potato juice.

The best juice, of course, is the one that is cooked immediately before use. Especially when it comes to potato juice, which is absolutely not to be stored. Those who decide to use the healing properties of such a drink should first learn how to choose the right potato, because the quality of the prepared beverage ultimately depends on it.

Cooking Potato Juice

In order to prepare potato juice, you should follow a few simple rules, only under which you will receive a truly useful product:

  • Potatoes should be chosen exceptionally high quality, it is desirable that it be grown with minimal use of artificial fertilizers, and also that the tubers are not rotten, damaged or covered with dark spots.

  • For making juice, in principle, you can use potatoes of any variety, but pink or red tubers are considered optimal.

  • Cooked juice can not be stored, so you need to cook it all over again. For one serving you will need 2-3 large potatoes.

  • For therapeutic or cosmetic purposes, the juice is best prepared from uncleaned tubers, so they should be thoroughly washed using a toothbrush.

  • Before shredding carefully, with a knife tip or a special knife, remove all eyes from tubers.

  • Pass the potatoes along with the peel through a juicer or grate the tubers.

  • Put together two layers of cheesecloth, place grated potatoes on it, and then squeeze. Drain the juice in the required size of the dish and let the starch stand for 1 minute.

  • Please note: time plays an important role in the treatment of potato juice. After cooking, he almost immediately begins to gradually lose its beneficial properties, and after 10 minutes you should not drink it. Do not be alarmed when the juice darkens - so it should be.