Signs of pregnancy in the 1st week: what happens at this time

Every woman wants to know about the occurrence of pregnancy before the test will show two pink stripes. How to do it? What are the symptoms? What you need to know pregnant? What can you do? What are the signs of pregnancy in the first week? Answers to all these and many other questions that arise on this topic, you can learn from our article.

There are two methods for calculating the duration of pregnancy:

How does it all start?

 ↩ Obstetric 
The first day of menstrual bleeding is called the beginning of a new female cycle. It is from the first day of the menstrual cycle begins the preparation of the body for pregnancy. Doctors obstetricians and gynecologists expect obstetric gestational age, starting from the first day of your last menstruation, because it is from this moment that the egg cell that will become an embryo began to mature. Obstetric term of the entire pregnancy is 40 weeks. Conception occurs in the third week of pregnancy, and the first and second weeks are weeks of planning and maturation of the egg. In medicine, obstetric terms are used by default when calculating the duration of pregnancy.

 ↩ Embryonic 
The starting point is conceived, its beginning is calculated by dividing the length of the menstrual cycle in half and determining the date of the mid-cycle. The embryonic period is 12-16 days less than obstetric. A woman can feel signs of pregnancy only in the first weeks of the embryonic period.

Before conceiving 

The female body and the reproductive system is a very complex and unique mechanism, the launch of preparation for pregnancy begins each month anew. On the first day of the cycle, the following processes begin to occur:

With the menstrual secretions, there is a female sex cell — an egg cell that has not been fertilized by the male sex cell — the sperm cell. Also, there is a mucous membrane - the endometrium, which grew in the uterus in order to receive a fertilized egg as a "feather bed".

The hormone estrogen is produced. This hormone is interconnected with the so-called hormones-happiness - dopamine and serotonin, and also it makes the skin more elastic and smooth. Estrogen reaches its maximum.

Main features

  •  Discomfort in the lower abdomen. Discomfort caused by implantation is very similar to the aching pain before menstruation. Sensitivity to the new situation in women is manifested very individually. There may be a feeling of bloating, fullness of the uterus. Some women notice signs of cystitis. The symptom of pregnancy is an increase in the urge to urinate, as well as painful sensations. After fertilization in the uterus, blood circulation increases, which can cause urinary urges. It is important that there is no blood and turbidity in the urine. 
  • General malaise. The immune system weakens with the onset of pregnancy. 
  • The body throws a lot of strength, first to fight the "alien" fetal egg, then to hormonal adjustment. You may feel very sluggish, the desire to sleep will be irresistible. Sometimes, this symptom of pregnancy is compared to the symptoms of the virus or the onset of a cold.
  •  This condition can accompany you to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in the state of the mammary glands. 
  • The breast may fill even during the period of ovulation, and if fertilization has taken place, it will continue to swell. An increase in the hormone progesterone in the blood, which is responsible for preparing for pregnancy, affects the breast, prepares it for the upcoming breastfeeding.
  •  Glandular tissue grows, it leads to compression of the neurovascular bundles that transport blood, the breast becomes oversensitive and painful. The nipples also become painful, and their halo may increase. Early toxicosis. 
  • This symptom is very individual. Toxicosis in pregnant women appears at different times and lasts until the end of the first trimester, at 12 weeks most of the symptoms go away. Changes in the body affect the receptors of women. Smell becomes aggravated, preferences in smells, and in food can change.
  •  In the morning, or even during the day, nausea may occur. Many women claim that, not knowing from pregnancy, they guessed about her offensive by changing tastes. The body “suggests” what it needs. 
  • For example, a sharp desire to eat shrimp may be a sign to you that there is a lack of iodine in the body. And if you feel sick immediately after taking the medication, it is possible that this is a beacon of the fact that these drugs are harmful to you now. A few more signs Low back pain. The loin can hurt in the same way as before menstruation. This happens because the hormone relaxin is produced, which softens the ligaments. 
  • Thanks to the relaxin, the pelvis expands, and it will be easier for the baby to exit during the birth process. If the expectant mother leads a sedentary lifestyle, the back pain will be a bell that you need to get up and move, thereby ensuring blood flow to the uterus. Psycho-emotional imbalance. 
  • This factor is influenced by the increased production of female hormones, the "whining" and "sensitive" hormones rule the brain and the central nervous system. Be prepared and perceive as an early sign of pregnancy, excessive sentimentality, a quick transition from a calm mood to a “twitchy” one, differences and fluctuations in mood and desires. Increased temperature.