Wha to Do, if you can’t find a job for a long time?

What is worth thinking about

Calmly analyze the situation by answering a series of questions. Who am I? What are my strengths, values, what are my motivators in work? What inspires me, where do I get energy from? What are my skills (competencies), what knowledge do I have demanded by the market, what professional experience do I already have? So you will understand the direction in which you want to develop further.

Then determine what you really want. The goal may not necessarily be a vertical career. Look wider, also consider horizontal career opportunities. It is worth understanding in which related areas you can find use for your talents. Are there any areas at the junction where you can be unique?

Analyze the market. Investigate what requirements make your dream company, what competencies, knowledge you currently lack. Find resumes of other candidates for positions that interest you. Match with yours. What can you do to get up to level? At a minimum, you can actively engage in self-education - now there are all the possibilities for online learning on the Internet: read professional forums, books on your topic, look for subject groups in social networks (there are also interesting vacancies there), subscribe to experts in your field.

In view of the new information, update your resume and do it professionally - show the expert. When your career goal is based on the knowledge of yourself and your inner desires (rather than generally accepted standards), then you will be confident and you will have more energy to look for new opportunities.

What to fix in the resume

You can only panic in one case - the financial airbag is deflated. When calculating, consider the possible risks: from rate jumps to an underestimate of your own monthly expenses. If you sit without a job for a long time, then you probably want too much (and the market now cannot give it to you) or you do not know how to sell yourself. If there is a mismatch between the request and the market offer, you will have to solve a dilemma - settle for less today or wait. If you decide not to wait - start moving. If the problem is selling yourself as a specialist, then analyze the resume and work on the skills of self-presentation.

  •  Rewrite your resume in accordance with the requirements of each specific job and company. The recruiter will “filter out” you if he doesn't see keywords that match the requirements.

  •  Previously, it was extremely important that the relevant experience was recorded in the workbook. Fortunately, now everything is wrong. Companies do not look at employment records, or even actual experience, but at specific results. Focus on them in the resume.

  •  Use more active verbs ("made", "developed", "realized"), voice the numbers confirming your result. Broadcast an active position - it confirms that you are ready to take responsibility for the result.

  •  Do not voice the desired salary before the first in-person meeting with the employer. At first - the benefits that the business will receive from you, after - how much it will cost the company. It is especially important to consider this moment if you are more expensive than the market. For example, when we selected the product trainer at Mango Telecom, we considered only those candidates whose salary wishes fall into our fork. We didn’t even consider CVs of candidates with requests higher than we can offer. During the interview, one of the candidates announced a higher amount, but I already liked the specialist. Besides, I realized that he would close another important zone, and went to agree on the possibility of a higher salary for him. An expert will always bring added value.