How to quickly cook yogurt in a thermos best method
If there is neither a yogurt maker nor a slow cooker on hand, then an ordinary thermos will perfectly cope with the preparation of yogurt. In this case, we are talking about a good thermos that confidently maintains the temperature up to 6-8 hours. Ideally, it is better to use a thermos with a wide neck, since “extracting” thick yogurt from a narrow flask will be somewhat problematic. Actually, and wash it - too.
So, first of all, we bring the milk to the desired temperature - heat or cool the boiled milk to 37-42⁰С. Before you pour the milk in a thermos, it must be rinsed with boiling water. First, we need to get rid of extraneous bacteria that can interfere with the correct fermentation of yogurt, and sanitize the thermos, and, secondly, warm the flask so that the milk temperature is initially maintained at a predetermined level.
Now you need to dissolve the yogurt starter in a small amount of milk. If the dry sourdough is in a small bottle, it should be filled with milk and thoroughly shaken until dissolved.
If the yeast was sold in paper sachet, the container in which it will dissolve, it is also desirable to process with boiling water. In general, it is better to make it a rule that any dishes with which our future yogurt will be prepared should be as sterile as possible.
Pour the dissolved starter into the milk and mix thoroughly with a whisk or spatula. Now the finished milk with dairy cultures contained in it is carefully poured into a thermos and tightly closed. We leave the thermos for 6-8 hours for fermentation (the recommended time is usually written on the package with leaven).
At this time, it is advisable to “not disturb” thermos - do not shake or chatter, so as not to interfere with the natural fermentation process. When the yogurt is ready, it needs to be poured from a thermos into a glass or ceramic container and left in the refrigerator for another 4-6 hours. During this time, the fermentation process will stop completely and the yogurt will be ready for use.
Now you can add your favorite fruits, nuts, berries, honey or natural syrups to yogurt. By the way, it is not necessary to use "sweet" supplements - natural yogurt perfectly complements the greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, spinach, green onions), garlic and spices.
It is important to remember that homemade yogurt differs from shop in the first place in that it does not include preservatives and all kinds of “e-nis”, therefore it’s stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days, not for a month. For this reason, it is not recommended to prepare it for future use.
An active lifestyle and proper nutrition is not so much a tribute to fashion and following trends, as a vital necessity and just common sense. Alas, with the modern pace of life it is difficult to thoroughly control the quality of everything that we eat, but it is very desirable to strive for this.
When preparing yogurt on our own (although this concerns all products that we can cook at home), the question of its quality and naturalness disappears by itself. Moreover, having tasted real live yogurt, one would hardly want to exchange it for a shop counterpart.
In fact, cooking natural yogurt at home is a fairly simple process and it is much easier to prepare than it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to be patient and wait until the yogurt is finally ready.
Another plus in favor of yogurt is that it replaces the whole “army” of store products. The need to buy ready-made mayonnaise, sauces and dairy desserts simply disappears. Such an alternative will not only reduce the cost of family food, but also make the nutrition of all households more healthy and balanced. What, in fact, we are trying to achieve!