Ready to take action right now? Below are twenty-two tips to help you lose weight without dieting and no significant restrictions. Sounds like magic, but, nevertheless, it really works.
Eat slowly
If you are used to lunch and dinner "like a meteor," try to slow down, because perhaps because of the speed you eat more than you need. And, as a result, gain extra pounds, instead of getting rid of them. In the first few weeks, the timer on the phone will help: set it to 20 minutes, and make sure that food intake takes all this time. Take a sip of water and chew each piece thoroughly.
Sleep enough
WebMD portal cites a researcher from the University of Michigan (University of Michigan), who admitted that an extra hour of sleep each day helped him lose 7 kilograms per year. This scenario shows that when you do not get enough sleep, the cognitive processes slow down, so the brain loses the ability to quickly send signals of hunger and satiety.
Consume more vegetables
Try to make it fresh or grilled (which ones are healthier to fry - read here ) the vegetables are always on your table. In addition to the obvious utility, they help to visually increase the size of the dish, so that it does not seem to you that you have eaten too little to get enough. Add to this a high water content, which will help maintain optimal hydration and significantly improve skin condition. Good advice: cook vegetables without oil, and season with lemon juice and fresh greens.
Do not forget the soup
Add chicken broth or light vegetable soup to the menu, and you won't notice how those extra pounds will leave you forever. Soup is especially useful at the beginning of a meal, as it slows down digestion, restrains appetite and prevents you from attacking harmful snacks. Among other things, if you are sick, broth is strategically important. for faster recovery and relief of cold symptoms. But beware of creamy cream soups that can boast of high fat and calories.
Reduce the amount of sugar
Replace one sweet drink (for example, a glass of soda with plain water), and you will avoid 10 tablespoons of sugar. The scale is impressive, isn't it? And if you add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries to the water, the flavor will be even better, and there will be even more pleasure than from the usual cola . What is the danger of sweet soda? First of all, the fact that liquid sugar is not fixed by our body as a full meal. So with one bottle you can get up to 450 calories that go unnoticed. Another thing is also interesting: according to studies, those who prefer sweets or chocolates over soda instead of soda are gaining less weight on average.
Eat at home
Eat homemade meals at least five days a week. A survey conducted by Consumer Reports, showed that this is one of the main habits of "successful slimming." Besides the fact that you finally learn how to cook your favorite lasagna and pesto in your own kitchen, this approach has a lot of other bonuses. For example, significant savings and the ability to re-think any dish for themselves. Well, and, of course, so you can control the amount of sugar, salt and fat consumed, which will benefit your waist.
Practice yoga
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, women who practice yoga weigh less on average than those who do other sports. Scientists suggest this may be because yoga aims at harmony not only of the body, but also of thought. That is why people who practice yoga, along with her practice and meditation. This allows them to be calmer, more effectively resist stress and attentive to food.