Another important property of potatoes is its ability to help cleanse the body. Very good is the fact that cleansing is done exclusively in a natural way: the juice from this vegetable stimulates the intestines and has a slight diuretic effect.
Thanks to the last property, potato juice allows you to get rid of edema. It also binds toxins accumulated in the liver, and removes them from the body. This property is truly unique for people with radiation sickness: reviews of victims of training at the Chernobyl NPP confirm this fact.
Thus, their overall well-being improved and their life expectancy increased significantly.
Such a product is also excellent for the prevention of various diseases. In particular, periodic courses of its use will help prevent ulcers, as well as minimize the likelihood of recurrence of chronic gastritis.
With the help of potato juice you can get rid of many diseases.
Considering the already described properties of the juice from potatoes, as well as the fact that there are practically no contraindications for its use, it can be concluded that this product is practically a panacea for future moms in the last months of pregnancy, as it can relieve them of the two most common problems simultaneously: and edema. Potato juice is also widely used in cosmetology. The range of its effects is quite large: from the smoothing of the skin color of the face and to the fight against acne.
Is potato juice harmful?
Any conscious person understands that even the most innocuous medicine has its own contraindications and cannot be used uncontrollably and independently. True, fortunately, potato juice is not capable of provoking any serious complications, but nevertheless it is better for people of certain categories to exercise caution:Patients with a diagnosis of gastritis with low acidity. Potato juice has a pronounced alkaline reaction, and with such a diagnosis, it is simply harmful to use it.
Patients with diabetes. Unfortunately, the specificity of this disease is such that it is often difficult to predict the consequences of the use of a particular product. That is why it is better for such patients to apply other - proven - methods of treatment.
Even a relatively healthy person is not recommended to exceed the duration of the course of treatment with potato juice indicated in the recipe. A constant and uncontrolled use of it can provoke inflammation of the pancreas.
In no case is it allowed to prepare potato juice from green or sprouted tubers, even if you are not going to use it inside, but only for cosmetic purposes. A high content of toxins will make such a vegetable far from beneficial to humans.
Remember that during long-term storage in potatoes a toxic substance is formed - solanine, which means that the optimal time for treatment in this way is seven months a year, from July to February inclusive.
The presence of absolutely any disease besides the one with which you are going to fight with the help of potato juice is an obligatory reason to seek advice from your doctor before starting treatment.